Today's lectionary text was the Matthew text in which Jesus tells Peter to forgive 70x7. As the preacher stood and told us that we continually forgive to get better at it and eventually achieve true forgivenss my cynical mind couldn't help wondering...How many of us actually do this? As a culture, we hold grudges, we revel in fear.

This particular image doesn't exactly represent the "best" of our society in so many ways. But it represents the idea of 70x7 forgiveness. We must continually work to forgive this image of people. We extend grace to those who both need it and those who may or may not WANT it.
This particular image was hard for me. POTSC is an amazing organization that helps me to live a better life, but I can't help remembering hurtful things in my own life. One of the last stigmas in church is "loud" children. I have two wonderful little boys (2 and 6 months) who go to church and chapel often. My oldest son "breaks the bread" during meals. However, they aren't known for being "quiet" and let's be honest, how many two year olds are awake and quiet?
*I* have the loud kid in church. THE PASTOR (well, student pastor, but you get my meaning). When I sit in chapel (at school) with my children, who are talking or whining because they want to run around, I sit terrified that someone is going to glare at me. Why? Because I'll be full of all this anger at them for their judgement and too much of a coward to stay. So I'll pack up my things and leave with the kids and that person WINS.
They don't win for God though. They aren't showing grace to my children. They aren't showing grace to me. However, that doesn't mean I can't give them the grace and forgive them. This poster reminds me of that. I hope it helps me to be able to do that.
And may God bless the whole world. No exceptions.
This post is part of an initiative by People of the Second Chance (POTSC). POTSC is launching the NEVER BEYOND Poster Series: 25 posters representing well known historical, current and fictional characters who are believed to have harmed society. This campaign consists of digital and print posters and the full collection will eventually be displayed as a touring art exhibit.